Blog Post

January 2019

  • By Laurie McAnaugh
  • 01 Jan, 2019
Dear Laurie,

Every year, I set New Year's Resolutions- often geared toward losing weight. I join the gym, I vow to give up sugar and in the beginning, I am so dedicated. And then every year, usually by the end of January, I've already given up. It's like I throw my hands in the air and admit defeat and resume my usual ways for the remainder of the year. What are some ways I can stick to my diet and finally be successful once and for all?
Time for a New Strategy
Dear Time for a New Strategy,
Let me just say, I'm not an expert in the fitness and weight loss field but I've learned enough about the typical mindset patterns of human beings. And these patterns apply to losing weight, too.   So first, stop dieting! The all-or-nothing thinking is not serving you, it relies on will power and sets you up for failure. 

Here are some additional ideas for you to consider:
  • Shift your focus from deprivation and judgment to self-worth. This year, decide to focus on total wellness- body, mind and spirit. This means, first and foremost, be nice to yourself. Don't expect perfection. Take one day, and even one hour at a time. If you stray from making a healthy choice on Wednesday, refrain from bingeing and shaming and throwing in the towel until after the weekend! Instead, right then and there, ask yourself, "What is one, small healthy choice I can make right now?" How big or small that healthy behavior might be doesn't matter- just do something that strengthens you. Then forgive yourself for eating the cheesecake and move on.  
  • Forget about losing weight. Focus on being a healthier you, feeling clearer, and more energized- and more comfortable in your skin. Pick a daily focus and make it something doable. Make that choice something that can create momentum- for example, you might start the day with a green juice or smoothie or prepare healthy meals, soups or snacks a day or two in advance.  Be a collector of ideas for healthy choices you know you could stick to.
  • Refrain from fad diets, popular "programs" that you haven't significantly and independently researched and long term juice fasts.  These are not sustainable (or often affordable) ways of living your life.  Not to mention, they contribute to the dangerous dieting roller coaster.  It's one thing to do a re-set for a few days, but consider a life-long shift in lifestyle and most of all, mindset.   There are plenty of "experts"  out there and tons of conflicting information.  Remember, you are the expert - Listen to your body and your intuition and it will tell you what works for you. 

  • Make your goals achievable and then build on them.  Keep free weights by the TV and a set in your bedroom. Challenge yourself to do even 5 minutes during commercials or just before you jump in the shower. Don't make exercise this big deal that you have to create a ton of time for- Just set a goal for 15 minutes on the treadmill (or exercise of your choice). If that's all you get to, great. Let it create momentum for more healthy choices.   On those days you have more energy, challenge yourself to add more time.   Some days, you'll find that you make it to 30 or 45 minutes or even an hour just by tricking your brain to do more in just 5 minute increments.   Before you know it, you've developed some healthier habits that you actually stick to and you'll feel stronger than ever.  Bottom line- shoot for what you can do, instead of these lofty goals that lead to excuse making like being too tired or not having enough time.  Just doing something is better than doing nothing.
  • Look for small ways to decrease unhealthy habits just a little at a time. For example, if you're a coffee drinker, decrease the sugar by just a teaspoon and cut the cream some. Spend a week or two getting used to just that and then continue to decrease a little again. Just as important, look for things to add to your typical diet, versus just taking away.   Organic steel cut oatmeal, a fruit smoothie, avocado toast with sea salt or a spinach salad- But make it something you enjoy and look forward to versus dread eating.   Over time, you'll be shocked at how your taste buds begin to crave healthier fare.

  • Instead of relying on will power, rely on strategy. Figure out those crucial moments when you are most vulnerable to unhealthy choices and strategize ways to stay ahead of yourself.    Ask for help. Get support. Sign up for yoga or spin classes, hire a trainer, or get a work-out buddy who can share accountability.  Make simple shifts and trade one vice for something that still satisfies a craving- like organic fresh popped popcorn for that potato chip binge during nighttime TV.  A sweet potato/avocado brownie recipe in place of the processed/high sugar fudge brownies- don't knock it until you try it- healthier options do have a way of growing on you.
When you fall, dust yourself off, stand back up and start again. In that moment. Because you love yourself that much- and because your health is important to you. Who cares about the number on the scale. Who cares how many times you failed. Care about the number of times in a day you are grateful for the strong, healthy choices you have made and will continue to make. Keep your focus on moving forward, creating momentum in small ways and over time, gaining strength in sustainable, baby steps.   Consider meditation, mindfulness exercises and deep breathing. Keep setting new goals and re-evaluating what's working and not working without all the self-judgment, because in the end, it will not be your food and exercise choices that will lead you to success- it will be your mindset.  
So BELIEVE you are worthy.  
Because self-sabotage and shaming are SO 2018.

By Laurie McAnaugh September 16, 2021
Take Care of Yourself
By Laurie McAnaugh January 5, 2021
We've all heard it over and over again these past few weeks. Maybe you've even said it yourself.

"Good riddance to 2020! Don't let the door hit you on the way out! Bring on 2021!"

I get it. It was a year that brought on many challenges.
Fear. Isolation. Illness. Discord. Unprecedented uncertainty.

Here's the interesting thing though. When I challenge this "Good Riddance" mantra, every single person is able to list so many beautiful moments from the last 12 months.

I would guess that's true for you, too.

So take a moment to breathe. Deeply. Right now.
What will you take with you from 2020?
What gifts? What insights? What habits? What non-negotiables? What unexpected treasures?

What changes do you want to keep?
Instead of rushing to slam the door on this past year, decide instead to gently close it with gratitude and positive anticipation of what's to come.
It has been a year that has created openings for entire paradigm shifts within each and every one of us.
And within our world.

Some of those shifts in 2021 will be amazing. Some may continue to feel like obstacles for awhile.

But we're all on this crazy ride doing the best we can with what we've got in this moment.
Let us continue to develop our own unique personal tool belts so that when life acts all "2020" on us, we've got the reserves to be able to hold our mental health strong while still seeing the multitude of blessings everywhere.

Let us seek to better honor our own humanity and the humanity in others by letting go of the self-defeating, stress-inducing burden of judgment.  And at the same time, let us hold ourselves accountable for rising up to higher ground.  

Because 2020 has strengthened us and we really are that powerful.

By Laurie McAnaugh December 22, 2020
My husband, Todd and I recently spent a week in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts. We make it a priority to spend time there at least a few times a year. It's a quiet, peaceful part of the world filled with mountains and snow-capped beauty.

We fill our days with simplicity. Long, scenic drives through the peaks and valleys, and hikes that lead us to places we’ll never forget.

The hikes are always an adventure. There’s just something about being alone in the woods, miles from civilization, without cell service.

As we navigate unfamiliar trails, the ground beneath our feet is sometimes wet and slippery. It takes all of our concentration and agility to safely stay the course (okay, just me- my husband is annoyingly fearless and freakishly agile). Occasionally, I can forget to stop, look up, and absorb the magnificent landscape.

Deep in the woods, the world becomes so still that every noise seems to intensify. The sounds of the scurrying wild, the forceful winter breezes that push the trees to their limits. The wind causes the bare birch trunks to creak, making haunting sounds that keep us on high alert. The sounds so intense at times, you wonder when a tree might fall, and where. But we brave the path ahead, not knowing exactly what the final destination will look like and what obstacles lie ahead. We just keep going.

To be in the middle of the cold, barren, breathless beauty completely disconnected to civilization, makes these excursions feel both risky and sacred at the same time. For this naturally cautious girl (did I mention my fear of wild animals?), these isolated walks in the wild bring on a mix of conflicting feelings and emotions:

Gratitude, concern, reverence, worry, wonder, apprehension, appreciation, uncertainty, and faith.

And when we finally arrive at an enchanting waterfall, I know it was worth the effort it took to get there.

Reminds me of 2020. So much to have felt anxious about. So much to appreciate. So much isolation. Yet so many reasons to trust that good is around the corner.

So we just keep going. We brave the unknown. No matter how slippery, and treacherous the journey has been, if we remember to pause and look around, we’ll find much beauty and opportunity to embrace.

Wishing you the sacredness of simplicity this holiday season and a 2021 filled with love, connection and exciting new adventures.
By Laurie McAnaugh November 25, 2020
There are these brief moments in life that we're tapped on the shoulder and shown what is most important. Among the chaos and noise, there can be quiet, too.  If we're willing to pause and look, we can see the evidence of Grace sitting right there in front of us. Let this be one of those moments.
By Laurie McAnaugh October 16, 2020
As we approach election day and its aftermath, here are a few powerful points that can shift you into choosing more peace and less chaos, and therefore contributing to a society that we all are capable of creating.
By Laurie McAnaugh June 5, 2020
It was the morning after the grand jury decided to not charge Darren Wilson for the murder of Michael Brown....
By Laurie McAnaugh April 29, 2020
We are spiritual beings having a human experience. What does that phrase mean to you?
By Laurie McAnaugh April 13, 2020
The power of the human spirit is being boldly and remarkably displayed by countless people across our country and globe each day.  In honor of all of them, let us each ask ourselves, "What is this pandemic here to teach me?" 
By Laurie McAnaugh April 1, 2020
This is new territory for a human race wired to connect.  How are we supposed to feel and how should we spend our days while staying inside our homes?  Does anyone really have the answers? Yes.  You do.
By Laurie McAnaugh March 3, 2020
How can we work towards aligning ourselves with who we want to be regardless of where we are or who we're with?
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