Many of my clients experience anxious thoughts that disrupt their everyday lives. I lost my mom a few years back and I quickly became aware of the increase in my own anxious thoughts over those following months. There are many life events and situations that can bring about feelings of imbalance and uncertainty. Here are 5 ideas to help you navigate through those challenging times.
1. Create a Boundary Word, Phrase or Image: When you catch yourself feeding your anxious thoughts, imagine a mental image such as a stop sign or a mental sound like a heavy garage door slamming down on cement. Pair the image or sound with a word or phrase that resonates with you. When you become aware that you are perseverating or ruminating or engaging anxiety, imagine feeling that word (such as an affirmative NO!) along with the image and/or sound. Allow it to serve as a solid boundary, a declaration to yourself that this moment need not be spent in fear.
2. Focus on the Present Moment: When you are worrying or anxious, you are either upset about the past or you are fearing something in the future. When you become aware of anxious thoughts, bring yourself into the present. Remind yourself of what you are doing in that exact present moment and only allow your focus to be on that. Repeat the words, "Right now, I am doing ________ and in this moment, I am ok."
3. Detox: This need not be severe or even structured. Commit to looking at how you can release both physical and mental toxins from your mind and your body. Make some healthy shifts in eating and drinking, drink more water, try detoxifying exercises like yoga, stretching or jumping on a trampoline. Detoxify your mind by shifting what you feed it. Take a break from politics, news and toxic negativity and replace it with music, books on CD (home or car) and positive conversation. Detoxify your spirit through meditation, connection and letting go and allow yourself to feel peaceful, even if it's just for a brief amount of time.
4. Honor where you are: Often when we become anxious, we speak to ourselves harshly. This feeds the darkness and only serves to increase the negativity. We sit far too long with thoughts like, "What is wrong with me?" or "Why can't I get past this?" You are human. Life can be challenging and we all experience peaks and valleys. Honor the ebb and the flow of life and remind yourself, this too shall pass.
5. Do not give anxiety all your power: It's just anxiety. You are stronger than anxiety. Even if you're experiencing panic attacks. You've been here before and you've survived it. Breathe, and remember that you are in control.
You really are that powerful.